Tusita Mettadevi Jayamangalani Suprapto

Tusita Mettadevi Jayamangalani Suprapto was born in Cirebon and graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s degree in design in 2021, and recently completed her study for a Master’s degree in design. Tusita currently focuses on batik, hand embroidery, and painting, which are often inspired by traditional culture. Growing up with the influence of Cirebon and Chinese culture, Tusita is really interested in working with the blending of these two cultures. Therefore, these foundations become the ideas of her current work, so that both cultures can remain sustainable. Her interest in combining traditional and modern elements in textile design, art, and craft, has led her to several motif design projects, fashion designs, as well as works in painting. Despite her work, she also loves to build good relationships with anyone, which could influence her ideas of work and make them more varied.

To keep in touch with Tusita, visit her profile and work on Instagram (@tusitamettadevi), also on Behance (behance.net/tusitamettadevi).

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